The Empowered Stepmom™️ | Biblical Boundaries, Habits, Mindset

#55 | Myggy is a Gift: How Your Amygdala Tells You This Moment Matters

January 06, 2022 Season 4 Episode 55
The Empowered Stepmom™️ | Biblical Boundaries, Habits, Mindset
#55 | Myggy is a Gift: How Your Amygdala Tells You This Moment Matters
Show Notes

Ever had one of those "Monster in the Mirror" moments? You know, the ones where after screaming at the top of your lungs because your kid did something that made you livid, you end up in the bathroom, staring at your reflection in the mirror and asking yourself, "Who is THAT person?" That's definitely a Myggy Experience!

Becky Dozeman, a Licensed Social Worker and Therapist turned Life Coach, shares 5 steps to gaining control over the fight, flight, freeze response your amygdala is known for (in addition to highly entertaining detours loaded with Becky-isms). 

Becky effuses energy, joy, and optimism as she shares her unique method on how you can respond when Myggy shows up. Her tips include:

  • understanding how our internal narrative impacts judgment and overwhelm
  • embracing the gift of your amygdala signifying that this moment means something
  • discovering the difference between shame and guilt
  • identifying exactly what you may need in the moment -- to get through the moment (hint:  Keep the humans alive!)

Thank you, Becky for your generosity of time, your ability to combine Science, Story, & Scripture in easy-to-understand language, normalizing the functions of our brains.
Want More Becky-isms? You can find her in these spaces!
Her Best Yes with Becky Podcast
Instagram, Facebook, Find current Her Best Yes Offerings
Freebie to increase your quiet time with the LORD-download here.

Welcome to Stepfamily Mission POSSIBLE! The Podcast that helps you create the Stepfamily Life you want to live now and leave a legacy for your blend! You are family here!

Hi there, we’re Bill and Jen Rogers and we help Christian stepfamily couples turn what feels impossible into Stepfamily Mission POSSIBLE! How do you we do that, you may ask? On each episode, we bring you ideas and strategies you can start implementing right away. We help you create a vision – a kingdom legacy that relies on God’s best for your stepfamily.

So if you’re ready to ditch the chaos caused by high conflict stepfamily norms, regain intimacy for you as a couple, and begin to live your Kingdom Legacy right now, you’re in the

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Next steps:
Step 1: Join the Empowered Community
Step 2:
BUILD BETTER BOUNDARIES! Powerful Free Handbook + Bonuses!
Step 3:
De-Stress Planning - Celebrations Guide!
Step 4:
Top 10 tips to Regain Your Power & Prevent Burnout Free Download!
Step 5:
Peaceful Co-Parenting Strategies that Work-Mini Workshop $97

Be strong, and let your heart be courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24